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Model Designer

Introspect Model Designer

Introspect uses model-based testing as a systematic approach for test designs, ensuring more comprehensive coverage at all integration and transformation levels. In this way, testers focus on the highest risks first, ensuring defect discovery earlier in the lifecycle.  

Introspect’s Model Designer allows test architects and engineers to create models based on different languages, such as UML. Models represent everything from the data and systems being tested to the transformation maps and process sequences. Through models, Introspect leverages existing information about the integration environment to create tests that reduce design efforts, saving time and money. 


Nodes (model symbols) perform data checks, execute control processes, initialize databases, prepare test data, run scripts, or abstract more complex models by allowing the designer to drill-down into more detailed models.  

Work Flow Models:

In addition to modeling the data infrastructure and integration processes, Introspect’s model designer is a flexible workflow designer that captures and communicates test team activities. With models, the test team defines their design ideas in a clear and unambiguous way that helps the project achieve its quality goals. Introspect is a great activity workflow tool that supports continuous development and testing. 

Custom Symbol Nodes:

Introspect supports a range of model types with a library of figures including a complete set for UML and flowcharting symbols. Introspect includes a symbol designer that allows the test team to develop custom nodes that are particularly meaningful to their organization.